Thursday, September 2, 2010

In Regards to protests about the mosque in NY

First thing one must understand is that 99% of muslims are not terrorists. The ones that attacked the twin towers are not the ones planning this building. It's not even like the building is on top of ground zero, its just somewhat close. Quit making such a big deal about a little mosque, this is America. I don't know if you know this but there is a thing called freedom of religion in this country. Some Ignorant people say that allowing the muslims to build a mosque so close to ground zero is like admitting defeat, and that it's gonna start up more muslim controversy. Well just think if we denied the building permit on the simple notion that it's a mosque and not a church. Another random thought, at a random time.



    My parents are two of those people who are against the mosque. I tried debating it with them and proved their points invalid. They threatened to kick me out. I shut up.

  2. Had the same debate with my parents.

  3. Its also not really a mosque its a Islamic community center.

  4. as much as I HATE islam, even moderate islam, I think it's pretty fucked up people are basically using threats, intimidation, and rhetoric to block a MULTIFAITH cultural center from being built 2 blocks away from ground zero and robbing people of their religious freedom. goodbye bill of rights. then this morning I read they're building a greek orthodox church nearby, seriously doubt anyone will protest that one... but no, it's not bigotry at play... bullshit.

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